The Terry family reunited at Lake Powell, one of my other favorite places in the world. We were so spoiled with the Taj Mahal of houseboats, great food and excellent company. The kids were all in heaven playing with their cousins, and besides a couple days of little B not feeling well, and a nasty ear infection on A on the car ride home - everything was great. The weather was perfect and we had the most beautiful beach. Highlights include... the RAVE party on top of the boat with glow stick juice smeared on bodies and strewn everywhere (a poor little fish swallowed some and died a slow, glowing, spinning death), LJ jumping off this cliff that scared me to death, tubing and tubing and tubing behind the wave runner (until we got pulled over and told it was illegal), kayaking, hours in the hot tub that wasn't hot, the tarantula (see below), lots of good food and a kazillion drinks that we finished off, fixing the waverunners, fixing the waverunners, fixing the waverunners, swimming in the perfect temperature of water, geek diving contests off the slide, zach digging holes... again, and BOOMDOGGLE!